I would like to import receive money transactions from a csv. I have rent receipts that are net of agents commission and I want to import money received as gross rent and a negative money received as a commission expense. I don't need to create a bank transaction as I already have a bank feed. | Knowledge Base - FAQs - MMC Convert https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base Everything you need to know so you can seamlessly convert from any accounting software to any other with MMC Convert Fri, 11 Feb 2022 08:31:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.17 I would like to import receive money transactions from a csv. I have rent receipts that are net of agents commission and I want to import money received as gross rent and a negative money received as a commission expense. I don’t need to create a bank transaction as I already have a bank feed. https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/import-transactions-csv/ https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/import-transactions-csv/#respond Thu, 10 Feb 2022 09:18:34 +0000 https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/?p=714 Read More]]> You can do the work by following the below steps:

1. As your bank feeds are on so when the transactions appear for reconciliation you can add another line item showing the commission amount at the same time.

For example: If you have a say 100 rupees as gross rent, 2 as commission and 98 as net receipts. Thus whie reconciling the accounts show two line item i.e Gross rent as 100 and Commission as -2 on the reconciliation tab.

This will help you record gross rent and commission at the same time.

This is not achievabe through a CSV template but we have an inbuilt tool for importing the same through the template.

We are a migrating company and highest reviewed partner with XERO and provide data migration services so we can help you regarding the same.

For any further help, feel free to reach out on info@mmcconvert.com. For a quick discussion we can even connect for a zoom call.

https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/import-transactions-csv/feed/ 0
When importing a csv file, sometimes (usually when the file contains more than 100 invoices), not all invoices are imported. However, when I import the same csv file – without making any changes – an additional 2-3 invoices get imported. I can’t figure out the pattern but have you come across this before? thank you https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/importing-csv/ https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/importing-csv/#respond Thu, 10 Feb 2022 09:15:49 +0000 https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/?p=711 Read More]]> You might be facing such issue as data might be bulky, so I suggest you to import in small lots for faster and accurate importation.

Also the importing issues usually comes wherein the mandatory fields are not filled in the import template like Contact name, Invoice Number, Date, Due Date,Description, Quantity, Unit, Amount, Code, Tax type.

Also if the name contains some special characters like # there might be some issue in importing the CSV file.

For any further help, feel free to reach out on info@mmcconvert.com. For a quick discussion we can even connect for a zoom call.

We are one of the highest reviewed migration partners with Xero and provide data migration services to various other software as well like Quickbooks, Reckon, Sage, MYOB etc.

https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/importing-csv/feed/ 0
FreshBooks https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/freshbooks/freshbooks/ https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/freshbooks/freshbooks/#respond Fri, 21 Jan 2022 14:26:47 +0000 https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/?p=696 Read More]]>
  • Chart of Accounts
  • Customer Details
  • Supplier Details (Only Name of Supplier)
  • Opening Account Balances
  • Aged Receivables
  • Aged Payables
  • Bank Transactions
  • Credit Card and PayPal Accounts
  • Items
  • All Sales Invoices and Credit Notes
  • All Purchase Bills and Credit Notes
  • All Manual Journals
  • Repeating Invoices
  • The entire conversion and matching of Reports are done on ACCRUAL Basis.
  • We make our best attempt to give you the exact image of your Excel data, however, due to the limitations of few fields which are different in Excel and FreshBooks, we might have to use some workarounds to bring the transactions.
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    https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/freshbooks/freshbooks/feed/ 0
    Workarounds https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/workarounds/ https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/workarounds/#respond Fri, 21 Jan 2022 14:19:02 +0000 https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/?p=693 Read More]]>
  • Chart of Accounts – Sub Accounts in Access Dimension are converted as Independent Accounts in Xero
  • Chart of Accounts – Inactive Accounts, if used in Access Dimension in the conversion period are turned as Active Accounts in Xero
  • Open Receivable and Payable Invoices shall contain only single line showing the unpaid balance of Invoice in Xero
  • Multiple Accounts Receivables in Access Dimension are merged in single Account Receivable in Xero
  • Multiple Accounts Payables in Access Dimension are merged in single Account Payable in Xero
  • Multiple VAT Accounts in Access Dimension are merged in single VAT Account in Xero
  • Custom Sales Tax Rates are converted into standard Sales Tax Rate with “Tax Adjustment” entry as separate line item in Xero
  • Inter Bank Transfers may be converted through a Clearing Account in Xero
  • Clearing Account is used in Xero for transactions where Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable are passed as Journal Entry in Access Dimension
  • Transactions without any contact / payee name in Access Dimension would be transferred as “No Name” contact in Xero
  • System Accounts like Retained Earnings, Sales Tax Account, Realised Currency Gains are used in Xero for their counterpart accounts in Access Dimension
  • In Multi-Currency files, while feeding the opening balances on conversion date, Xero would use same exchange rate for the conversion date for all the Multi-Currency accounts. This might cause a difference in debit and credit side of trial balance, and produce a FX variance, which is brought over in Xero system account called ‘Historical Adjustment”
  • Rounding can be different in Xero and Access Dimension because of the data precision techniques used in both software’s
  • Blank Bill reference Numbers and Invoice reference Numbers:- In case we find any invoice or bill without a number, we use a dummy number example for Bills:- Bill1, Bill2 and for Invoices – Inv1, Inv2.
  • Duplicate reference Number in bank transactions or invoices/bills:- In case we find duplicate reference numbers then we use transaction numbers instead of reference numbers or make the numbers unique by appending an extra character with a hyphen
  • Limitation of Item number:- Xero have limitations of 30 characters for Item number thus for the item numbers more than 30 characters we have to trim them to 30 characters.
  • ]]>
    https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/workarounds/feed/ 0
    What We Don’t Convert https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/what-we-dont-convert/ https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/what-we-dont-convert/#respond Fri, 21 Jan 2022 14:10:20 +0000 https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/?p=691 Read More]]>
  • Budgets
  • Track Inventory
  • Description
  • Classes
  • Items
  • QTY and sales price
  • Fixed Asset
  • Expense Claims
  • Memorised Transactions
  • Payment Terms
  • Custom VAT Rates
  • Invoice Templates
  • Time Sheets
  • Repeating Invoices after the “Convert To” date
  • Deleted/Void Transactions
  • Allocation of Invoices or Bills against credit notes
  • Transaction lines with Nil Values
  • Sales Rep
  • Customer Jobs
  • Attachments
  • Unreconciled Entry
  • We are specialist in converting core financial information and we try our best to bring the other non-financial information as well, however, because of the limitation of APIs of both software’s, we might not be able to get few fields
  • ]]>
    https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/what-we-dont-convert/feed/ 0
    What we convert https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/what-we-convert/ https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/what-we-convert/#respond Fri, 21 Jan 2022 14:07:05 +0000 https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/?p=689 Read More]]>
  • Chart of Accounts (We do custom mapping as well)
  • Customer Details
  • Supplier Details
  • Opening Account Balances
  • Aged Receivables
  • Aged Payables
  • Bank Transactions (Includes Invoice payments, Bill payments and other Bank Transactions) (All Bank Transactions reconciled as it was done in Access Dimension)
  • Credit Card and PayPal Accounts (converted as Xero Bank Accounts)
  • All Invoices and Credit Notes Detailed
  • All Bills and Credit Notes Detailed
  • All Manual Journals
  • The entire conversion and matching of Reports are done on ACCRUAL Basis.
  • We make our best attempt to give you the exact image of your Access Dimension data, however, due to the limitations of few fields which are different in Access Dimension and Xero, we might have to use some workarounds to bring the transactions.
  • ]]>
    https://www.mmcconvert.com/knowledge-base/xero/what-we-convert/feed/ 0